Friday, April 5, 2013

Week Seven: All Done!

Words cannot describe how happy I am to have that TED Talk done. I have never liked speaking infront of crowds, and speaking on a stage did not make it any better. My painting on the stage however did break the ice for me. Before I was even ready everyone was laughing, and I was too which calmed me down. After that I was ready to go!

I feel like my TED Talk went smoothly even though the sound didn't work on my video. I was able to improvise for that. The prezi went well and everyone seemed to enjoy the painting and the video!

Visual Component: I had a prezi for my presentation that had some words, pictures and a video but did not control my presentation. It was more of a reference for me to point to and to show examples with. The sound for the video did not work though.
Inspire Through Your Passion: I think that I showed the audience that giving up on something is never a good option because if I had given up on painting like I did when I was seven, I would have never known I like it.
Show Your Product: I had my final product on display and I also had a video of me completing it.
Explain Your Process: I explained how I talked to my art teacher and did research to figure out which type of painting I wanted to learn. Then I talked about the different techniques I learned and showed the different paintings I did to practice the techniques. I also explained the process of the final product.
Purpose: My purpose was to teach the audience how patience can help you find something you love and I believe that I got that across well.

The TED Commandments:
Dream Big: I honestly think this has been one of my best presentations that I have done. I was able to make the audience laugh while also being serious at the same time. I grabbed their attention before even beginning to speak which made my presentation even better.
Show the Real You: I talked about my past about being impatient and talked about my passion. What I said came from me but I had to reference to my note cards a few times.
Make the Complex Plain: I gave examples of my past and the process. It was easy to follow and pay attention to.
Connect With the People's Emotions: Before I even started talking I had the audience laughing!
Don't Flaunt Your Ego: I talked about the negatives along with the positives.
No Selling From the Stage!: Nothing was for sale during my presentation and I didn't ask for anything!
Comment on Others': I did not do this but maybe I could have to connect to the audience better.
Don't Read Your Talk: I did not read from my note cards but I did refer to them a couple of times to make sure I was staying on track and I did not miss anything important.
End Your Talk On Time: I did not go over onto anyone else's time I think...
Rehearse Your Talk: I did rehearse my talk but not infront of anyone other than myself. I usually don't because I have never been comfortable with giving presentations and speeches. I could have done some more rehearsing.

All together I would give myself a 28-28.5/30 because I could have done some more rehearsing and not have had my notecards. This would have shown that I know my topic well and I should because it is my passion. I think that reading from notecards makes speakers lose a connection with the audience which is a big part of presentations. Without this connection you lose interest and respect.

If we could do this project every year I would. I found this fun and made me relaxed because I got to do something that I now love to do. Even the presentation was fun to make because it was about something that I like and not something that I'm being forced to know. I am happy that we did this project and I hope we get to do one in the future and future gifted classes will get to do this as well!

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